Day 9
External Recognition
After our bubble check in we completed feedback to Manaiakalani on our DFI experience. This gave me the opportunity to reflect on my DFI journey as a whole. The main ideas that came to me included:
How this opportunity to attend the Digital Fluency Intensive has impacted me:
Understanding the journey of MKA and the Learn Create Share pedagogy was a great benefit - I now understand the why - why Blogger, why Chromebooks, why LCS, and this was very well presented with useful 'visit again' resources. Having opportunities to explore the digital space our learners occupy has increased my confidence - personally and professionally, and encouraged me to really reflect on how well I am utilising the expanse of resources, tools and teaching and learning opportunities available to me. Completing DFI has also motivated me to delve deeper, something I always wanted to do but found it slid down my priority list.
The highlights that have impacted my life, your practice, your workflow...
Being introduced to the 'small but mighty' extensions and tips that streamline my workflow. Having the information to back why we are on the MKA journey. Having a chance to explore and be in my learners' shoes, and of course all the takeaway resources!
I then moved into my Google Educator Level 1 exam. It was interesting thinking about the stress a timed exam puts on our learners! As a mature adult I still felt the pangs of anxiety as I started, which thankfully dissipated quickly! The content we have covered over the last nine weeks well and truly covered the understandings required to successfully complete this exam, and as the old adage goes, it was all about reading the question carefully and identifying the most suitable answer.
Blinging my Blog!
I am looking forward to adding my badges to my blog - but in the meantime ..........
How to continue my blog?
This is a question I will mull over! Using my blog as a record for my Professional Growth Cycle and Teacher Registration is where I'm at at the moment. Including my Teacher inquiry, successful learning experiences, and professional reflections going forward will all (hopefully!) appear here. I need to refine my reflective and recording practice to ensure I am using my time wisely and not doubling up - I need to think about where do I do this now, how do I transfer this information, can I make this my one stop shop!
Add a gadget (sidebar right or left)
Image (Title above image, Caption below)
Shrink to fit button
How to get my badge:
Access secure credential from email
Sign in to Google Ed
My credentials
Change to public
Copy & paste link (to add gadget)
Lastly a a massive thank you to the Manaiakalani Education Trust! Even though it has been challenging to 'fit' this in I have gained so much over the last nine weeks. The resources you have shared, the digital experiences I've had, the understanding of Manaiakalani and Learn Create Share, hearing a variety of teacher voice and being able to participate online have all been a blessing and valuable learning experiences in their own! What an incredibly interesting area of education - I'm hooked!
Kia ora Lisa,
ReplyDeleteHooked!, line and sinker.
I'm reminded of the whakatauki, Whāia e koe te iti kahurangi. Ki te tuohu me he maunga teitei — (Seek the treasures of your heart, if you bow, let it be to a lofty mountain)
Congratulations on passing the exam.
All the best as move forward in your teaching and professional learning journey.
Ngā mihi nui,